Find the right probate service for your needs

Getting a legal document that lets you manage someone else's estate after they die is called grant of probate. It’s also called a letter of administration.

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There are 4 steps to getting probate sorted

Navigating the complexities of probate can be a challenge, but finding the perfect service to assist you shouldn't be. Whether you're dealing with a simple estate or a more complicated one, Willfinity has the right probate service that aligns with your specific circumstances. Our mission is to empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring you receive the best support throughout the probate process.

Illustration of a man and a woman reading a document.

Check if you need probate

Half of deaths in the Canada need probate. But you might not need it if the estate’s worth less than $10,000, or most of the assets were jointly owned.

a decorative curved line.

Work out how much the estate’s worth

Find out from banks and other organisations how much the estate’s assets are worth (things like savings or property), and how much debt the person owed.

Included in our Complete Probate service

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Decorative curved line.
Illustration of a man filling a form in browser.

Apply for the ‘grant of probate’

Fill out an application, along with the right tax form for your situation. Depending on the estate, Steps 2 and 3 together usually take 1 to 3 months.

Included in our Essential and Complete Probate service

a decorative curved line.

Sort out the estate

This can take a further 3 to 6 months and might include paying inheritance tax (and making sure that HMRC are happy with what you’ve paid), dealing with property, closing accounts and giving out money to the people inheriting it.

Included in our Complete Probate service.

Illustration of a woman looking at houses.

Top questions about applying for probate

What is probate?
When is probate required?
What is an executor of a will supposed to do?
How much does probate cost?
How long does probate take?
Illustration of a man and a woman standing next to a large question mark.

Got any other questions?

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Call us on 1 (888) 604 7770
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